Daily Painting: today’s harvest

oil on canvas, 15 x 15 cm, ©2010 Julie Galante. [SOLD]

This has not been a great year for our balcony garden, but still it manages to deliver a little something for us to eat almost every day, even now that the weather has gotten colder. Today it was a single zucchini flower, a pea pod, and two tomatoes. I love how the larger tomato consisted of three perfect, tasty lobes.

4 thoughts on “Daily Painting: today’s harvest”

  1. Isn’t it funny how even the smallest harvests bring smiles to our faces. If I only get one ripe tomato out of my garden for the day, I’m still happy as can be about it. The larger harvests make it fun in the kitchen, but no matter how big it is, there’s still a smile on my face.
    Love the paintng – you’re quite talented.

  2. You captured the delicate nature of that zucchini flower perfectly. I had such high expectations of my zucchini plant this summer, hoping for many of those blossoms to stuff with ricotta. But no, my plant was practically barren. Your painted veggies look good enough to eat:)

  3. @Deanna – Especially these days, when I know my harvest days are limited!

    @Bobbi – I love them stuffed, too. Sorry your plant was so stingy this year.

    @Fingers Crossed – That’s too bad. Luckily there’s not too much wildlife on our balcony – just crows that steal my tomatoes sometimes.


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