Dirndl Portrait: Emily

Emily in her Dirndl, original oil painting
Dirndl Portrait: Emily, 80 x 60 cm, oil on canvas, ©2012 Julie Galante.

Will you be in Munich next week? If so, you’re invited to stop by my Open Studio on June 12th

I recently updated my art website to include my first 10 dirndl portraits. Another two are just getting some final touch-ups, and will hopefully be ready to be seen at my Open Studio next week. I am quite pleased with this group of paintings – they look so nice all lined up together in a room. Eye candy in painting form.

All the muse-flogging I had to do to get myself to actually work in series for once might have actually been worthwhile. I’m even considering recruiting a few more models to continue the series. I also need to work on finding a place to exhibit these paintings, but that requires talking to strangers (in German), which is a daunting task for a (dyslexic) introvert. I like the painting part of my job better.

Speaking of my dirndl portraits, they were featured on Dirndl Magazine’s website today. There’s an entire magazine dedicated to these enchanting German frocks. Can you believe it?

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