Just another beer garden scene

Biergarten alla prima study
Biergarten study alla prima, 30 x 30 cm, oil on canvas, ©2012 Julie Galante. Original painting available on Etsy.

Greetings from the end of summer. I am desperately hoping the weather will cooperate this evening so I can finish up some photo shoots for a big new project. The scene is set (where else?) in the beer garden. It’s a rather ambitious piece, the largest art I’ve made by far. It’s good to try new things.

The small beer garden study you see above was painted alla prima, meaning the entire painting was done in one sitting, working wet on wet. In a way it approximates plein air painting, but without having to haul all my supplies out of the studio.

Will you be in Munich next month? If so you’re invited to my upcoming exhibition, Little Munich, which is on 20 Sept – 12 Oct. 


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