Art Every Day Month, day 20

I seem to be in a pattern this week, always thinking that tomorrow I’ll have more time for making art. To be fair, I’ve been busy with art-related activities, if not necessarily the making of it. Tomorrow I’m hanging another show, so today I’ve been occupied with choosing work, making labels, and the like. After … Read more

Art Every Day Month, day 19

Today I drew three portraits on top of each other, another exercise in my expressive drawing course. It’s interesting, having this course overlap with Art Every Day Month – most of these exercises are things I wouldn’t normally post, but I have enjoyed all the feedback they’ve received. Perhaps I should be posting experiments all … Read more

Art Every Day Month, day 18

Another quick expressive experiment today, with pools of ink swirling around on wet paper. I was hoping to have more time for art this week, but so far it hasn’t worked out. Hopefully I’ll have a more interesting piece to share tomorrow.

Art Every Day Month, day 17

Playing around with expressive drawing in ink today. I don’t think this one’s quite done, but I want to get something posted before I head to bed. Still struggling to catch up with all the things I was putting off last week when I was preparing for my presentation. Will be back on top of … Read more

Art Every Day Month, day 16

Barely getting a post up for today, but I made it. Just fit in a couple of expressive drawing exercises this evening. Thank you so much to all of you who have said lovely encouraging things in the lead-up to my presentation yesterday. I am happy to say that it went really well, despite the … Read more

Art Every Day Month, day 15

Today’s the day: my presentation at the Edinburgh Art Fair is this afternoon. I will be so happy when it’s over (assuming I don’t do a terrible job). I’m looking forward to having space in my brain to focus on other things again. These are more experiments with ink. I struggled with the way this … Read more

Art Every Day Month, day 14

Playing around with ink today. Got the paper very wet and just experimented. This week I’ve learned that the two types of heavy-duty drawing paper I have respond very differently to wet materials. Tomorrow I’m giving a presentation about my work at the Edinburgh Art Fair. I’m pretty nervous about it, but optimistic that I … Read more

Art Every Day Month, day 12

Another experiment today. This one is graphite powder, pencil, and charcoal on drawing paper coated with linseed oil. I must have spread the oil a bit too thick, because in spots (such as the big diamond-shaped area on his chest) it seemed to suck up the materials and refused to let them go. So I … Read more

Art Every Day Month, day 11

This was done with two pencils taped together, a black charcoal and a red conte, plus a bit of white pastel. The idea was to produce some unexpected lines and expressiveness. Not my favorite portrait drawing of the week, but it was an interesting exercise nonetheless.