AEDM day 10: Theatinerkirche

I’ve been working on this painting of the Theatinerkirche in Munich for a couple weeks now. I can’t decide if it’s done, or if I want to completely re-do the sky and a couple other parts. I guess I’ll wait for a couple days and see what I think then.

AEDM day 9: chugging along

I’m proud of myself today. Not that I am particularly impressed with the art I produced (several quick sketches with oil pastels), but that’s OK. The exciting part is that I managed to keep up with AEDM even while traveling for 5 days! OK, that may not sound very exciting to you, but to me … Read more

AEDM day 7: baby

Again, not much time for art since I’m in Zurich visiting friends, but I did take a couple seconds to sketch said friends’ baby this morning. It’s not much, but at least I’m still doing something every day. šŸ™‚

AEDM day 6: so many leaves

I’m in Zurich visiting friends, so not much time for art! I did manage to squeeze in one little sketch – the view of my friend’s ivy-covered balcony. Drawing all those leaves individually was time-consuming, so I didn’t quite get a chance to finish. Maybe tomorrow.

AEDM day 5: curled-up figure

Iā€™m in a sleepy, hungover haze today after staying up until 5am to watch Obama win the election. It felt like a good day to play around more with this figure, which has been recurring in my doodles.

AEDM day 3: self-portrait and red sky

I can’t say enough good things about participating in Art Every Day Month so far. I’ve had a great time looking at the work of other participants and being inspired to try new things. Today I worked on a variety of stuff. I started this self-portrait a long time ago and then forgot about it. … Read more

AEDM day 2: goldfish

I usually paint from an image – life, a photograph, something. So in the interest of using Art Every Day Month to try new things, I sat down with some acrylics and just started painting today. It started to look vaguely like goldfish, so I went with that. Not done yet, but wanted to take … Read more