12 thoughts on “AEDM day 13: experimental painting”

  1. I’d stick with the red. It flattens the image in a nice way (see Matisse’s Red Studio). You might also consider making the architecture more linear and less brushy, or even having most of the rest of the colors be variations on red. The red sky and plaza just seem to want to submerge the rest of the image, so why not go with it.

  2. Thanks all for the input! I appreciate your thoughtful words.

    Both versions seem to have their backers. I’m going to put this one aside for a couple days and then come back to it with fresh eyes. I’ll post the final version when it’s done.

    @esther – the sky is the same color in both. It’s just my sloppy photography that makes them look a little different. ๐Ÿ™‚


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