5 thoughts on “It’s up!”

  1. Hello, looks wonderful! I will tell all my friends living in Zurich and Chur, as well. I spent a little time there this past summer and am looking at moving back to write my second novel. It’s so inspiring there, as well as supportive, I felt, of the art. If you had to learn onw language to survive there, would you choose French or German? Everyone speaks Swiss German in Chur and tells me it will take years to learn. Thanks for any support and good luck with your art.

  2. Thanks, Dreamer and Happy Little Atom!

    HLA – In Zurich, French won’t get you very far at all. Most people seem to speak more English than they do French, even though they supposedly took both in school. High German is useful for communication with locals, even though you won’t be able to understand much Swiss German. Good luck with your novel!


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